Lenticular Printing Program For Mac
Posted : admin On 10.01.2021Avery Design & Print Online is the best way to design and print your own custom labels and more, with no software needed. To get started, just create an Avery.com account, choose the type of product you want to use — from address labels, to stickers, gift tags, and more, select a templated design or create your very own, customize it, upload.
- Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Download
- Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Os
- Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Computers
Because of our extensive expertise in lenticular processes, we’re often asked by printers what software solution works best. Many times it’s the first question a printer will ask. Given the fact that we don’t sell lenticular software, it is not always easy for us to answer that question. Furthermore, choosing a particular software solution will depend on several factors like experience skill with lenticular printing, the desired result, the prepress and printing equipment, and much more. The question could also be reversed. Do you need a software solution, or wouldn’t it be easier to work with companies specializing in the design and creation of lenticular images? Also on this question there is no clear-cut answer. Walking both paths is probably the best choice.
- Lentigram is a NEW software package for Windows 64bits, Mac and Linux including different command line tools: Pitchtest, a program to calculate the mechanical pitch of a lenticular sheet. Interlacer, a program to interlace a sequence of images mainly focused on the creation of orthoscopic 3D images.
- However, if lenticular printing/designing is all new to you, we strongly recommend our onsite training before you make any software decisions. This short training will give you valuable insights about the different production steps involved in lenticular printing and will enable you to understand the software requirements (if any) for your.
Most software packages have similar functionalities

The different lenticular software packages on the market all have similar functionalities. Some focus more on the creative side of the lenticular process and others have very powerful interlacingcapabilities. Several solutions run only on a Mac, while others run in a Windows environment or both. Most of these software programs can be downloaded for evaluation, but doing this is only useful if you have some experience with other lenticular software solutions. Compare it to word processors: if you can work with one program, you probably find your way around in others as well. However, if lenticular printing/designing is all new to you, we strongly recommend our onsite training before you make any software decisions. This short training will give you valuable insights about the different production steps involved in lenticular printing and will enable you to understand the software requirements (if any) for your company, market and applications.
90% of all lenticular designs are made by printers
Besides a good software solution, there are many other important factors in achieving good results. One crucial factor is the skill level of the graphic designer. When the same animation idea is given to several designers, each of the final printed results will be different. This is probably due to the many different parameters one can adjust, but also the experience and creativity of the designer plays an important role.
According to Henry Clement, a French photographer with more than 25 years of experience in designing lenticular images, 90% of all lenticular designs are made by printers. “For simple effects such as flips, the results they get are quite good, but for the more complex jobs like 3D, morphs and animations, you really need creative people and in general most printers do not have these specialists.” Starting with an outsourced specialist is certainly a good approach in building up the necessary experience before you spread your own wings.
Understanding all processes involved
Where good interaction between creation, prepress and press is important for traditional offset printing, it is even more crucial in the production of lenticular print. Good results can only be achieved if the printer understands all processes involved. The designer for example can only produce the final interlaced image if he knows the exact pitch values of the lenticular sheet, and that information has to come from a pitch test on the press. The imposition scheme is based on the direction of the lenses, and that’s also vital information for the designer as well. Finally, the printer has to know exactly how to judge the final result on the press. A postcard will be looked at from close by, while a poster will be viewed from a distance.
Onsite training helps to determine your requirements
It is fair to say that the final result is not just the work of one person, but a combination of many people and processes working closely together. So before deciding on what software to buy or to work with an outside specialist, we think it is wise to start with our onsite training. This small investment will certainly help you in getting a clear picture of all the processes involved in lenticular design and printing. Ultimately this will help you in making the right choices for your company.
Several months ago I was invited to participate in an exhibition at the Peninsula School of Art in Fish Creek, WI. The theme of the show was combining digital and traditional processes. (PSoA focuses heavily on traditional media, so this was quite new territory for them.) So I put together a proposal to provide some lenticular prints of my landscape cinemagraphs.
I originally planned on getting the prints made by my friends over at GifPop! who have made them for me in the past. But of course… the months went by and soon I realized that if I wanted the prints to get to Wisconsin in time, I would have to figure out how to make them myself. Oh shit! 😓
Even though I was sort of freaking out, I did a bit of research and realized it really wouldn’t be that hard, nor that expensive. So I dove in!
First, I purchased some 40LPI lenses from Amazon. These come with the adhesion film on the back. There are a few other sizes and lens density options for purchase. Also, it comes with a few extra samples and a squeegee for when you adhere it to a print.
Next, I had to install SuperFlip!, an OLD but effective application for interlacing images for lenticular lenses. It has to be run on Windows, so I used it on Parallels. It outputs a TIF image.
Here’s the thing, the geometry behind how lenticular lenses work is pretty basic. It should be an easy enough task for someone to make a Photoshop script for this process. I didn’t have time to fuck around so I just used what was at my immediate disposal.
The tutorials that VueThru provides are great, but your mileage may vary. I had to tinker with my printer for a while until I could get the resolution to be acceptable. Latest bosch esitronic keygen 2016 free torrent 64-bit. I found 200DPI to be acceptable, especially if I was only working with <5 frames.
For instance if you have a 10-frame interlaced image, you’re going to need a professional grade printer to get 600+ DPI. I did get a successful 10-frame lenticular from my consumer grade printer, but it would have turned out a lot bolder and crisper if the resolution were better.
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Not much to say about this, just be steady. Your calibration has to be perfect, and you need to make sure you don’t wind up with any air bubbles. I accidentally got a huge air bubble in one of mine, but with enough squeegeeing and popping it with an exacto blade, it did go away. It’s a lot like applying a vinyl decal. I think it would be helpful to have access to a cold laminator to quickly get rid of any adhesion imperfections.
Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Download
Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Os
I used an exacto blade to trim down the 8” x 10” lenses down to about 7.75” x 7.75” squares. I had to score it several times before the excess broke off, but when it did come off, it was a very crisp cut. I sanded the corners for a very small border radius.
I didn’t take any process shots of the cinemagraphs, I was in a hurry the whole time! But I made a few more prints with the extra lenses I had when I was done with the others.
Lenticular Printing Program For Mac Computers
I can’t wait to do another set of DIY lenticular prints. I used to think of this process as luxurious, expensive, and highly specialized. This is a rare example of how procrastinating turned out to be a positive experience. 😝