More Interesting Loot For Skyrim Sse
Posted : admin On 07.01.2021If you feel like Skyrim is underpopulated or like you are missing interesting enemies to swat – OBIS is a must. It adds over 2500 bandits to the world of Skyrim. Each of these bandits is separated into many different types that make the game more challenging and fun. Some of them are even uniquely named and have special abilities and epic loot. LOOT solves this and myriad other problems, checking your load order, hunting for errors and directing you to naughty mods that aren’t playing nicely. Before you test anything in-game, run LOOT. It takes seconds. Skyrim Script Extender. Several important mods won’t work at all without the Skyrim Script Extender. 372 posts Could someone please port this mod - More Interesting Loot for Skyrim over to SSE? You would need to use the More Interesting Loot for Skyrim v104b file, as everything above that uses MCM. But if you can use a later version, ie. V5.7 and remove the need for MCM, that would be cool too.
It’s that time of the year again where Skyrim is feeling fresh and I’m eager to play.
I’m sitting at home, thinking to myself where to begin my new adventure.
I make myself some coffee and turn on my computer. “What should my main goal be now?”.
As I struggled to come up with an answer, I realized that I’ve played Skyrim so many times that there doesn’t seem like there’s anything else I can do.
Just when I was about to start as an Argonian assassin again, it hit me – new dungeons.
What’s better to keep my game fresh than installing a bunch of dungeon mods to fill my save with new adventures?
The amazing Skyrim modding community was sure not to disappoint. So I’ve made a collection of the absolute best dungeon mods that I’ve found and enjoyed.
I’m sure you’ll love them too – especially if you’re looking for a revamp of your Skyrim adventuring experience.
20. Challenge of the Daedra – Waking Nightmare II
This mod will take you on a trippy and diabolical quest through one of the scariest dungeon mods that will be listed here.
I found this creepy quest to be quite interesting, as it provided me with a challenge that you wouldn’t expect to find in Skyrim. Yet it didn’t feel out of place thanks to the Daedric feel that it has.
You will be taken through a dungeon that MUST be completed, as once you’re deep enough inside there will be no way back.
Explore a surreal realm of nightmares and hallucinations that will surely make you think twice before getting into Daedirc culture.
19. Temple of Kruziik
This cool dungeon mod comes with a lot of lore, as the dungeon is basically an old temple that was used by ancient Nords to worship a legendary dragon. Who went by the odd name of Kruziik.
Explore the temple and find pieces of ancient lore hidden on it.
18. Volundr
Looking to uncover the secrets of mankind itself?
Travel to the depths of Volundr and get granted an audience with the makers of the world once you manage to complete this massive, in-depth dungeon.
Volundr has three different wings and is non-linear so you’ll be able to complete this Nordic dungeon in the order that you prefer!
17. Hjakhtraevarr Tomb
This massive tomb is set to provide you with over 2 hours of gameplay unless you can think quickly and resolve mazes even quicker.
It’s a fantastic dungeon that has no way back, so be sure to enter prepared to complete it.
The maker of the mod recommends playing it with a high-level character, so fear the consequences if you don’t.
Note it’s a difficult dungeon. Trust me, you’ll need some high-level powers.
16. Hammet’s Dungeon Packs for LE
This fantastic pack comes with 32 new dungeons for the game, six of which can only be found in Solstheim (should you own the DLC, of course).
In any case they all feature different designs as well as new rewards and armor that you’ve never seen before.
A massive mod that took me a few hours to see on its entirety – I haven’t even completed all dungeons yet!
15. Inferno – The Blood Marked
Take on this quest and face a dungeon where a legendary dark creature lies waiting.
This fantastic dungeon comes with a complete questline and one of the best creature designs that the modding community has brought us in so many years.
14. Skyrim Sewers 4
Alright, this is a pretty popular mod in the Nexus.
But I’m not going to rate it as highly as others.
Don’t get me wrong it’s a cool mod, but there are others that are better.

Now that said, Skyrim Sewers 4 adds new sewers to some of Skyrim’s most popular cities so you’ll be able to explore new areas and not-so-dangerous dungeons that will enrich your adventures. Totally worth it but not quite the best on here.
13. Sanctum of the Fallen
I beg you not to try out this mod in a new save.
Please, just install it and go to your strongest character’s save and try to beat all of the bosses that come included in Sanctum of the Fallen.
You’ll be able to equip your character with new weapons and rewards once you completed. Or should I say, IF you complete it.
It’s a very tough mod. Play it only if you’re level 60 or more.
The creator of the mod advises people to play it once they’re level 50 or more, but even level 50 feels low (depending on your build, that is).
12. Windcallers Pass
Windcallers Pass is a dungeon that serves as an underpass to High Hrothgar.
It passes through the entire mountain and opens up on the other side so it has two entrances.
Inside the dungeon you’ll find some of the scariest creatures in the game, as well as loot for days.
Don’t worry, you don’t even have to fight most of the creatures if you’re after the loot – just sneak around and steal it like a scoundrel.
11. Ogmunds Tomb
Made by the same modder that brought us Windcallers Pass, Ogmunds Tomb comes packed with challenges and adventure.
It’s a relatively short dungeon that you should be able to complete in less than an hour.
But given that enemies arenot too leveled you’ll be able to enjoy this small quest at any point in the game.
10. The Secret of Dragonhead
Are you ready to undertake a fantastic quest?
Visit Dragonhead and loot the body of a dead Imperial to find a small book, which contain context on the dungeon and activates the quest as soon as you read it.

The Secret of Dragonhead grants you with the chance to visit a new dungeon and to undergo a very difficult quest that even the most leveled player will have trouble completing.
It’s a pretty challenging dungeon mod. But there was a lot of effort put into it.
The creator of the mod has placed a lot of fantastic loot inside the dungeon too, so your time of adventure won’t go unrewarded.
Be prepared to face very tough foes, though!
9. Heimfeigr
Alright, this is one MASSIVE mod.
Its mainly a quest mod, but it doesn’t only add a single dungeon.
I mean, it’s one of the biggest mods on this list by a landslide.
It adds a completely new city to the game and as you might be able to guess, it’s fully populated.
There are well over 100 NPCs to be found and interacted within the many buildings that this city has to offer.
You will be presented with a completely new main quest to finish.
Like I said, it’s pretty massive. So you might want to have a bit of time on your hands if you wish to undergo the challenge of Heimfeigr (which, by the way, means “Home of the Dead”).
8. The Temple of Black Rock
The Temple of Black Rock is one of the dungeon mods that better fits the vanilla concept of Skyrim.
Playing it truly makes you feel like the mod was created by Bethesda. But in reality, it’s one of the toughest challenges made by modders in Skyrim.
You will most definitely struggle completing it.
The undead plague this abandoned temple and make you wonder whether you’re going to come out alive or not. It’s a challenging experience, but a fun one nonetheless!
7. The Rabbit Hole
Oh man, this one is a super fun dungeon to play.
The Rabbit Hole is a vertical dungeon comprised of a total 50 levels, with each of them having a stronger enemy than the upper one.
As you descend you’ll be facing more and more powerful foes, who only grow more difficult the more you encounter.
It’s a fantastic mod that turns an average part of Skyrim into a vertical arena where rewards await for those who manage to beat all of the foes that the dungeon has.
6. Forgotten Dungeons
The only thing that I didn’t dig too much about this mod was the name of the dungeons.
But when it comes to quality and variety, I think no other comes close to what Forgotten Dungeons has to offer.
This mod adds a grand total of 49 new dungeons to the game, spread in all of the regions that come in Skyrim as well as its DLCs.
The maker of the mod even added countless other optional dungeons that you can add, should you wish to further enhance the length of this fantastic mod.
5. Aethernautics – A Space Travel Mod
Face a fantastic quest in a new dungeon that will take you in a journey to uncover the secrets of a hidden spaceship made with ancient technology, which is capable of taking you to outer space.
Combine magic and science and you get this mod – a truly enriching experience that is far more different than anything you could expect to find in Skyrim.
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If you’re a fan of space and you love Skyrim this mod is a must-have.
It’s a fantastic adventure topped with space travel in a game where we all thought it was never going to be possible.
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Make your dreams come true and get your hands on this amazing dungeon-adventure mod. Maybe even mix in some Star Wars mods if you’re so inclined.
4. Skyrim Underground
Imagine walking into the depths of underground Skyrim and finding yourself surrounded by monsters that you haven’t seen before.
Imagine the scary thought of fighting an evil that you never knew existed. Imagine getting rewarded for your valiant efforts.
Now, imagine no further and get your hands on Skyrim Underground.
More Interesting Loot For Skyrim Sse Mod
This mod brings life(or should I say, UNDEAD life) to what lies beneath the surface of Skyrim.
It brings us new quests as well as fully-voiced characters and difficult tasks to complete.
3. The Oblivion Realms Series – The Gate of Solitude
Alright, I do have to admit that my favorite Elder Scrolls game was Oblivion.
But this mod still deserves one of the top spots on my list – it’s not only me being a huge fanboy (only partially).
Be warned though – it’s very difficult to get past the countless hoards of Dremora that await inside the portal of Oblivion that opens right outside Solitude when you install this mod.
The creator warns us that we should play this on a level 35 character or above, and there’s a good reason for it.
Lower level characters are sure to get slaughtered. If you’re not a pansy set the difficulty to the max and watch you die hopelessly countless times while you grasp and understand this dungeon to the fullest.
2. The Lost Wonders of Mzark
Dwemer fans, gather up and download this piece of beauty.
The Lost Wonders of Mzark adds a fully Dwemer-themed adventure to your game, which comes with 4 new quests as well as a fantastic dungeon that is fully open for you to explore from the get-go.
It’s said that this new dungeon was an ancient ruin that was recently discovered – according to the legends, at least.
You’ll be able to get your hands on new equipment and travel the unknown abandoned halls of this marvelous place – all while facing challenging foes along the way.
1. Molag Bal’s Inferno
I first found out about this mod while browsing Reddit as the r/Skyrim community seemed to absolutely love it when it first came out.
Needless to say it’s an amazing new adventure based around Molag Bal, and I’m more than sure that anyone that has an even slight interest in Skyrim is going to love it.
The makers of the mod have been so successful that they even made a standalone game on their own, which came out on Steam too!
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It took me longer than I expected but I recently finished all the quests available for the mods Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE and Helgen Reborn. When I installed them I was feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension since I wasn’t sure if I’d like them or not. Now that I know what kind of content they both offer I can decide if they are mods that I want to keep in future playthroughs.
Before we get into all that though, let me just share my bias when it comes to quest mods. Basically, I tend to not give them a try. It is just that I have a very strict view when it comes to the game’s lore and tone. I am also very picky when it comes to voice-acting. Considering both of these, quest mods can be something of a gamble for me.
Ok. I think that is enough of rambling about it, let’s get to the point of this post.
Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE
When I installed Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE I was only really looking for a place where I could display all the special items I get while playing the game, like the Daedric artifacts.
For Apple phones, no additional software is required (just point the camera at the QR code and follow the instructions). You need to scan the QR code shown on the site using your mobile phone (or tablet) and perform the required actions on your device.In order to be able to scan the code, use the camera of your phone. Serial keys.
While doing some research on it I found out it also had some questlines which I thought would be something short, like “go to this place, get this artifact and then bring it to the museum”. Although there are quests like that, mainly as a way to direct the player to items that will fill the museum, the meat of the quests are a lot more involved.
The first two quests, the ones that involved the museum directly, I actually liked quite a lot. It was just the last quest and the ones from the Explorer’s Society that I didn’t like as much. Those quests also happen to be the ones that involved some dungeons added by the mod.
I am trying to think of a good way to put down my feelings about those dungeons but I just can’t come up with something that makes sense. They just… feel off for me.
As far as lore is concerned it feels right at home in an Elder Scrolls game. Not only the museum can display items from Skyrim itself, the mod also brings and can display items from other games in the franchise, with lore notes about them.
The voice-acting, in general, is also pretty good. So much that if I never played Skyrim before and saw someone playing through Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE I’d never think it was a mod. Big props to the voice-actors of the mod and the people who wrote the dialogues.
More Interesting Loot For Skyrim Sse Quests
The only part I have a real problem with the mod, and this isn’t really a criticism just a difference in preferences, is that the mod expects you do all the content in the game. That means, participating in the Civil War, doing the questlines for all the factions, completing the main quests for the base game and DLCs, exploring a ton of dungeons, leveling a bunch of different skills and so on.
I get that it would be too complicated to make the mod to suit differently play styles. Plus even Bethesda expects people to play like that as they pretty much shove every quest in the player’s journal whether they want to do it or not.
But the way I prefer to play is to actually roleplay my characters. Thus a warrior-like character would join the Companions, maybe join the Civil War and ignore as much as possible anything about the other factions. If I played a mage they would join the College of Winterhold, then proceed to ignore as much as possible the Civil War and the other factions and so on.
It is just the way I prefer to play, as it gives me more replayability and allowed me to see everything the game had to offer on my own terms. The way the Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE and Bethesda expect people to play the game however feels like it takes way too long and is exhausting for me.
To be fair, Legacy of Dragonborn SSE doesn’t force you in any way to join all those factions or do those quests. But you will end up with some noticeable empty spaces in the museum if you decide to ignore them.
This makes me conflicted about the mod. I love the museum itself. I also love the NPCs the mod adds. But playing through the amount of content necessary to fill the entirety of the museum is just too exhausting. Because of that I am inclined to not include Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE in my future playthroughs. I just prefer to just indulge in whatever content feels right for the character I am playing at the moment.
Helgen Reborn
For the longest time I completely ignored Helgen Reborn. I was fine with leaving Helgen as a ruin. I mean, I barely spent any time there and most of that time was trying to escape the attack from an angry dragon. Not exactly the best way to make someone care about a place.
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However after playing the game so many times I am now tired of having to kill bandits every time I have to travel through the area on the way to do a quest. So I figured if I can never kill those bandits permanently I might as well install this mod so I can pass through Helgen in peace.
One of the things I was curious about was how they would explain the rebuilding, in a lore-friendly way. After all, none of the base game factions seemed to care about Helgen after it was destroyed. Yeah, yeah, there was a whole civil war going on, dragons attacks and what-not that were probably tying up all of their resources. But even then they could have at least have spent a line acknowledging it.
Anyway, I won’t spoil the solution the mod came up for it but it felt fitting. I also liked that the quest line had a at least one point with a significant choice thus giving it some replayability. The entire quest line isn’t very long but the length feels just about right. Consequently there are no world-threats to be dealt with here, it just concerns itself with securing the area for the town to be rebuilt and helping a person on his quest for revenge against someone evil.
The voice acting is, again on average, pretty good. There was just one NPC I didn’t really like his voice acting much. The main villain had a pretty good voice actor but his microphone wasn’t so great thus taking away some of the immersion.
My only real complaint, and this is just an insignificant nitpick, is that the gates to Helgen kept locking themselves up after a few days. That is how it works in the base game but still took me by surprise that the mod didn’t change that part after the whole town was rebuilt.
Nitpick aside I think I will keep this mod installed for the foreseeable future. It is just nice to see the place rebuilt even if I don’t particularly care about it.
Despite my feelings on the mod, I’d still highly recommend Legacy of the Dragonborn SSE for anyone who loves the lore of the Elder Scrolls universe or just want a cool place to show off all of their trophies.
Helgen Reborn I’d recommend for anyone who just wants more adventure or want to see the town rebuilt.
One thing I didn’t mention above but the two mods also add player homes with some pretty cool features. If I recall correctly on the Legacy of Dragonborn you can get it pretty early in the questline while in Helgen Reborn the town needs to be rebuilt to a certain point before you get it.
Overall both mods are pretty fun in their own right. Even if you find them to not be your particular cup of tea I still think they are worth giving a try at least once to see what they have to offer.